The Public Employment Relations Board (PERB or Board) is a quasi-judicial administrative agency charged with administering the eight collective bargaining statutes covering employees of California's public schools, colleges, and universities, employees of the State of California, employees of California local public agencies (cities, counties and special districts), trial court employees, trial court interpreters, employees covered by the In-Home Supportive Services Employer-Employee Relations Act, and supervisory employees of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
Forms & Documents
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Contact Information & Office Locations
All 3 contact points
Los Angeles Regional Office
425 W Broadway
Suite 400
Glendale, CA 91204-1269
- (818) 551-2822
- (818) 551-2820
Main Office
1031 18th Street
Sacramento, CA 95811-4124
- (916) 322-3198
San Francisco Regional Office
1330 Broadway
Suite 1532
Oakland, CA 94612-2514
- (510) 622-1016
- (510) 622-1027