The Rural Utilities Service provides funding for the development of rural utilities infrastructure such as water, waste management, power and telecommunications.
Forms & Documents
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61 - 78 of 78 forms
Contact Information & Office Locations
All 4 contact points
Administrator's Office
USDA Rural Development - Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave., SW
STOP 1510
Rm 4121-S
Washington, DC 20250-1510
- (202)720-9540
Electric Programs
Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave., SW
1400 Independence Ave., SW
STOP 1560
Rm 4121-S
Washington, DC 20250-1560
- (202)720-9540
Telecommunications Program
1400 Independence Ave., SW
STOP 1590
Rm 4121-S
Washington, DC 20250-1590
- (202)720-9540
Water and Environmental Programs
Rural Utilities Service
1400 Independence Ave., SW
STOP 1548
Rm 4121-S
Washington, DC 20250-1548