The National Indian Gaming Commission is a regulatory body that oversees some aspects of gaming on Indian lands, often complementing the work of Indian regulators.
Forms & Documents
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1 - 20 of 23 forms
Contact Information & Office Locations
All 10 contact points
NIGC Headquarters
Mailing Address
1849 C Street NW
Mail Stop #1621
Washington, DC 20240
NIGC Headquarters
90 K Street NE
Ste 200
Washington, DC 20002
- (202) 632-7003
- (202) 632-7066
Oklahoma City Regional Office
200 NW 4th Street
Room 5406
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
- (405) 609-8626
- (405) 609-8658
Phoenix Regional Office
Security Title Plaza
3636 North Central Avenue
Suite 880
Phoenix, AZ 85012
- (602) 640-2951
- (602) 640-2952
Portland Regional Office
911 NE 11th Ave
Suite 674
Portland, OR 97232
- (503) 326-5095
- (503) 326-5092
Rapid City Region Office
405 East Omaha Street
Suite A
Rapid City, SD 57701
- (605) 718-5724
- (605) 718-5716
Sacramento Regional Office
801 I Street
Suite 489
Sacramento, CA 95814
- (916) 414-2300
- (916) 414-2310
St. Paul Regional Office
408 St. Peter Street
Suite 415
St. Paul, MN 55102
- (651) 290-4004
- (651) 290-4004
Tulsa Regional Office
224 South Boulder
Suite 301
Tulsa, OK 74103
- (918) 581-7924
- (918) 581-7933
Washington, DC Regional Office
90 K Street NE
Suite 200
1849 C Street NW Mail Stop #1621 (mailing)
Washington, DC 20002
- (202) 632-7003
- (202) 632-7066