Mission is to serve citizens with respect, concern and professionalism, to make complying with tax and child support laws easy and understandable, to administer the laws fairly and consistently; and to provide excellent service efficiently and at the lowest possible cost.
Forms & Documents
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Contact Information & Office Locations
1 contact point
Main Office
P. O. Box 6668
P.O. Box 6500 (Florida New Hire Reporting Center)
P.O. Box 5906 (Taxpayer Rights Advocate)
Tallahassee, FL 32314-6668
- (850) 488-6800 (Taxpayer Assistance)
- (888) 854-4791
- (850) 656-3343
- (850) 617-8346 (Technical Assistance and Dispute Resolution)
- (888) 854-4762
- (850) 656-0528