Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is the CEO and owner of Tendon Systems, LLC. Tendon is a specialty contracting and engineering design firm with nearly 150 employees. The firm has operated in 35 different states. Raffensperger also owns and operates a specialty steel manufacturing plant based in Forsyth County.
Forms & Documents
Browse all Secretary of State government forms
21 - 40 of 102 forms
Form Title | Topics |
Application - Trademark or Service Mark Registration | Corporations Division, Corporations Division |
Application - Trademark or Service Mark Renewal | Corporations Division, Corporations Division |
Application - Trademark or Service Mark Voluntary Cancellation of Registration | Corporations Division, Corporations Division |
Assignment Form for Trademark or Service Mark | Trademark And Service Mark Applications, TRADEMARK AND SERVICE MARK APPLICATIONS |
Authorization for Interstate Exchange of Examination and Licensure Information | Professional Licensing Boards, PROFESSIONAL LICENSING BOARDS |
Authorization for Transfer of Uniform CPA Examination Grades | Professional Licensing Boards, PROFESSIONAL LICENSING BOARDS |
Background Consent Form | Professional Licensing Boards, PROFESSIONAL LICENSING BOARDS |
Change of Registrant's Name and/or Address Application | Trademark And Service Mark Applications, TRADEMARK AND SERVICE MARK APPLICATIONS |
Charitable Organization Information | Charitable Organization and Paid Solicitor, Charitable Organization and Paid Solicitor |
Charitable Organization Registration/Reinstatement | Charitable Organization and Paid Solicitor, Charitable Organization and Paid Solicitor |
Charitable Organization Renewal Form | Charitable Organization and Paid Solicitor, Charitable Organization and Paid Solicitor |
Charitable Organization Withdrawal Form | Charitable Organization and Paid Solicitor, Charitable Organization and Paid Solicitor |
Citizenship Affidavit | Professional Licensing Boards, PROFESSIONAL LICENSING BOARDS |
Consent to Service of Process | Securities, Registration By Coordination, SECURITIES, REGISTRATION BY COORDINATION |
Consent to Service of Process | Securities, Registration By Qualification, SECURITIES, REGISTRATION BY QUALIFICATION |
Control Person Form | Charitable Organization and Paid Solicitor, Charitable Organization and Paid Solicitor |
Diagram - Entity Conversion Matrix | Corporations Division, Corporations Division |
Fee Schedule | Professional Licensing Boards, PROFESSIONAL LICENSING BOARDS |
Filing Fees | Corporations Division, Corporations Division |
Filing Procedure - Corporation | Corporations Division, Corporations Division |
Contact Information & Office Locations
1 contact point
Office Of Brad Raffensperger
214 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
- (404) 656-2881