How to use "Petition and Order for Amendment of Order of Probation"?

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Petition and Order for Amendment of Order of Probation

This article is provided for educational purposes only. Information presented here does not constitute legal, financial, or other advice. Consult with appropriate professionals before preparing and filing any documents.

The “Petition and Order for Amendment of Order of Probation” form, issued by the State Court Administrative Office for use in Michigan, is a legal document utilized to request changes to the terms of an individual's probation order.

This form is necessary when modifications to probation conditions are sought, such as adjustments to reporting requirements, residence restrictions, or other terms initially set by the court.

It is intended for individuals under probation, their attorneys, or probation officers. To fill out the form, essential details such as the probationer's name, case number, specifics of the requested amendment, and justification for the amendment are required.

Submission guidelines, deadlines, methods (online, mail, or in person), and any associated filing costs vary by jurisdiction within Michigan, necessitating direct consultation with the relevant court for precise instructions.

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