Alaska State Government Agencies

21 - 40 of 41 agencies

  • Division of Personnel and Labor Relations

    85 forms

    The Division of Personnel and Labor Relations provides policy, consultative guidance, and direct human resource services to State of Alaska Executive Branch agencies. Its mission is to achieve the purposes of the Public Employment Relations Act by acting as the executive branch representative in contract negotiations and contract administration matters.

  • Division of Retirement and Benefits

    65 forms

    The Division of Retirement and Benefits (DRB) administers and manages the Alaska state retirement, healthcare and benefit plans. It supports the needs of retirees while additionally providing customer services to current employees.

  • Division of Risk Management

    2 forms

    The mission of the Alaska Division of Risk Management is to protect the financial assets and operations of the State of Alaska from accidental loss through a comprehensive self-insurance program.

  • Federal Public Defender, District of Alaska

    1 contacts

  • Kodiak Area Native Association

    15 forms

  • Maniilaq Association

    27 forms

  • Office of Administrative Hearings

    19 forms

    Created by statute in 2004, the Office of Administrative Hearings is Alaska's independent hearing panel for most types of executive branch agency administrative hearings, as well as hearings on decisions by other governmental bodies. OAH handles more than 85 different types of cases, with disputes ranging in value from $40 to $800 million, and with roughly 1,500 new cases filed annually. (Past decisions are browsable by case type under the Decisions tab, above).

    OAH's administrative law judges conduct prehearing and hearing proceedings to hear and resolve disputes. The nature and scope of these proceedings vary by case type. In most types of cases, the OAH judge prepares a proposed decision for the final executive branch decisionmaker, such as a commissioner, board, or commission. In some other cases, OAH functions as the final administrative decisionmaker. In either instance, the end product is a final agency decision that can be appealed to Superior Court.

    Whether adjudicating public benefits disputes for self-represented litigants or multimillion-dollar business disputes, OAH strives to deliver high-quality adjudication services that ensure fair hearings conducted in a timely, efficient, and cost-effective manner.

  • Office of Information Technology

    The Office of Information Technology provides enterprise IT solutions to the State of Alaska. It aims to reduce complexity, improve efficiency, and encourage creativity in order to securely provide better government services to all Alaskans.

  • Office of Procurement and Property Management

    54 forms

    The Office of Procurement and Property Management (OPPM) is the State of Alaska’s centralized purchasing and property management organization. OPPM operates under statutory authority vested to the Commissioner of Administration and the Chief Procurement Officer. OPPM oversees Alaska's procurement activities through administration of the State Procurement Code.

  • Office of Public Advocacy

    2 forms

    The Office of Public Advocacy (OPA) provides legal advocacy and guardianship services to vulnerable Alaskans. With offices in Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks, Kenai, Palmer, and Bethel, OPA advocates for abused and neglected children in protective proceedings, provides public guardianship for incapacitated adults, advocacy for victims of elder fraud, attorney services for respondents in adult guardianship proceedings, for parents in child in need of aid cases, and conflict criminal cases received from the Public Defender Agency.

  • Office of the Commissioner

    35 forms 1 contacts

  • Program Acceleration Office

    The Program Acceleration Office (PAO) was created to facilitate collaboration between projects and communicate progress in a way which is regular, timely, and relevant. It informs the public about ongoing projects and how those projects impact Alaska's state employees.

  • Public Broadcast Commission

    95 forms

    The Public Broadcast Commission was created to encourage and supervise the development of an integrated public broadcasting system in Alaska, and for the coordination of Alaskan public broadcasting stations. The commission additionally supports noncommercial public broadcasting in Alaska through the advocacy of financial support for locally controlled nonprofit broadcast stations or telecommunications entities.

  • Public Defender Agency

    The Alaska Public Defender Agency provides constitutionally mandated legal representation to indigent clients appointed by the court.

  • Public Offices Commission

    2 forms

    The Public Offices Commission's mission is to encourage the public's confidence in their elected and appointed officials by administering Alaska's disclosure statutes and publishing financial information regarding the activities of election campaigns, public officials, lobbyists and lobbyist employers.

  • Regulatory Commission

    3 forms

  • Shared Services of Alaska

    Shared Services of Alaska (SSoA) provides enterprise-wide management of financial transactions and back-office support for common administrative functions. SSoA programs include (1) Accounts Payable, (2) Travel and Expense Reimbursement, (3) Aged Accounts Receivables and Debt Recovery, and (4) Central Mail and Print Services.

  • State Government

    148 forms 2 contacts

  • Tanana Chiefs Conference

    10 forms

  • Tax Division

    178 forms 3 contacts