41 - 60 of 72 agencies
Division 5 - North Desert
17 forms 14 contacts
Division 6 - High Desert
13 forms 10 contacts
Economic Development Agency
1 contacts
The Economic Development Agency fosters sustainable economic growth opportunities for job creation and revenue enhancement through comprehensive business expansion, attraction, and retention programs and services. The Department creates strategic partnerships with public and private entities to enhance global competitiveness and entrepreneurial development.
71 forms 1 contacts
Environmental Health Services / Public Health
5 forms 1 contacts
Working in partnership to promote and improve health, wellness, safety and quality of life in San Bernardino County.
First Five San Bernardino
12 forms 1 contacts
The Children and Families Commission for San Bernardino County's (First 5 San Bernardino) mission is to Promote, support and enhance the health and early development of children prenatal through age five and their families and communities.
Fleet Management
1 contacts
The Fleet Management Department provides vehicles, equipment, and related services to the officials and employees of the County so that they may, in turn, provide services that promote health, safety, well being, and quality of life to the residents of the County.
Flood Control District
11 forms 1 contacts
The Flood Control District's Strategic Goal is to increase groundwater recharge services at flood control district facilities in support of maintaining adequate water supplies for the people of San Bernardino County.
Grand Jury
3 forms 1 contacts
The San Bernardino County Grand Jury is appointed annually by the Superior Court. Its responsibilities include investigating local government, examining instances of public office crime and corruption, and returning indictments in certain criminal cases brought before it by the District Attorney’s Office. Funding in this budget unit covers members’ stipends, office supplies, administrative staff, and other support costs. This unit funds one Grand Jury Assistant position budgeted within the Superior Court.
Inland Counties Emergency Medical Agency
53 forms 1 contacts
Inland Counties Emergency Medical Agency's mission is to ensure an effective system of quality patient care and coordinated emergency medical response by planning, implementing and evaluating an effective emergency medical services system including fire department and public ambulances, prehospital providers and hospitals, including specialty care hospitals, such as trauma and cardiac care hospitals.
Law and Justice Group
36 forms 1 contacts
The Law and Justice Group Executive Committee enhances the quality of life, provides for the safety of all citizens, and promotes the principles of justice within San Bernardino County by coordinating resources and services including justice facilities and information management.
Law Library
22 forms 1 contacts
The Law Library for San Bernardino County serves the legal information needs of the residents of San Bernardino County and the surrounding region. Law Library patrons have access to various legal resources in print and electronic formats. Employees of the Law Library may assist patrons in finding legal information using these resources. They are not permitted to give legal advice.
Legislative Affairs
5 forms 1 contacts
The mission of the Office of Governmental and Legislative Affairs is to effectively advocate the county’s interest on the federal, state and local level by communicating the strategic priorities and policy direction of the Board of Supervisors to the California Congressional and State Legislative delegations as well as local regional entities.
1 forms 1 contacts
The San Bernardino County Library System (SBCL) is a dynamic network of 32 branches that serves a diverse population over a vast geographic area. SBCL strives to provide equal access to information, technology, programs, and services for all the people who call San Bernardino County home.
Local Agency Formation Commission
3 forms 1 contacts
The broad mission of the Local Agency Formation Commission for San Bernardino County is to implement the legislative direction and policies embodied in the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 in a manner that provides for an orderly and efficient growth pattern that reconciles the varied needs of San Bernardino County, promotes the Countywide Vision Statement, is in keeping with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, and addresses the parameters of the principle acts for Cities and Special Districts.
1 contacts
The San Bernardino County Museum maintains and develops unique cultural and natural science collections related to the region and the greater Southwest. Through responsible collection, preservation, exhibition, and education, the County Museum inspires the public to a deeper understanding of their cultural and natural history.
Preschool Services
7 forms 1 contacts
Preschool Services improves the well-being of children, empowers families and strengthens communities.
Probation Department
1 forms 1 contacts
The Probation Department is dedicated to protecting the community through assessment, treatment and control of adult and juvenile offenders by providing a range of effective services based on legal requirements and recognized professional standards.
Project Management Division
3 forms 1 contacts
The Project Management Division is committed to the timely and cost effective design and construction of projects included in the County’s annual Capital Improvement Program, providing quality improvements to ensure accessible and safe environments for County departments and the public they serve.
Public Defender
13 forms 1 contacts
Public Defender’s Office protects constitutional rights and promotes justice through effective litigation.