All 10 agencies
City Clerk's Office
63 forms
The City Clerk's office maintains the official records of the City, including the minutes of the City Council meetings.
City Manager's Office
16 forms
City of Grand Terrace
46 forms
Finance Department
64 forms
The Finance Department of Grand Terrace is responsible for all financial transactions of the city and agency.
Fire Department
47 forms
The City of Grand Terrace contracts with San Bernardino County Fire for fire and rescue services. Fire Station 23 consists of both paid and volunteer staffing.
Human Resources Department
47 forms
The Human Resources Department is responsible for:
* Providing advice and assistance to other line departments relative to personnel matters
* Maintaining the City's classification and compensation plan
* Conducting recruitment and selection activities
* Providing new employee orientation
* Conducting labor relations activities including employee discipline matters
* Employer/employee performance evaluation system
* Maintaining employee records
* Workers' compensation claims management -
1 forms
The Grand Terrace Library houses over 10,000 books and DVDs. The library offers a wide variety of fun, free and educational programs for infants to adults.
Planning & Development Services Department
48 forms
The Planning & Development Services Department serves as the professional and technical advisors to the City Planning Commission and the City Council on policy matters and issues concerning land development and land uses within the community. In addition, the department handles administrative actions that do not require actions by the Planning Commission or City Council and assists new relocating and expanding businesses.
Police Department
60 forms
The City of Grand Terrace contracts with the San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department. The mission of the Department is to provide for the safety and protection of lives and property through courteous and professional public service, problem solving, crime prevention and law enforcement. Grand Terrace is known for having one of the lowest crime rates in the area.
Public Works Division
48 forms
The Public Works Division provides technical engineering related administration, review and support to its customer base. All street construction, drainage, traffic signal and street lighting plans are checked by staff to assure compliance with adopted standards and specifications. The planning, development, design and implementation of various capital improvements projects are handled by this department. Technical advice is also provided to other City of Grand Terrace departments regarding engineering matters, capital improvements planning and construction.