21 - 29 of 29 agencies
Public Defender
12 forms 3 contacts
The Mission of the Santa Barbara County Public Defender's Office is to protect and defend the rights of our clients through legal representation of the highest quality, with a fair and unbiased system of justice. Regardless of one's economic status in society, all should have access to competent defense representation in criminal prosecutions.
Public Health Department
51 forms 1 contacts
Mission is to improve the health of our communities by preventing disease, promoting wellness and health equity, while ensuring access to needed health care, and maintaining a safe and healthy environment.
Public Works Department
24 forms 1 contacts
Committed to efficiently providing, operating and maintaining public works infrastructure, facilities and services to make everyday life as safe and convenient as possible for the public they serve.
Risk Management
5 forms 1 contacts
Risk Management ensures that the County's human, fiscal and capital assets are preserved and protected in an efficient and effective manner allowing other Departments to fulfill their mission.
SBC Employees Retirement System
39 forms 2 contacts
The Santa Barbara County Employees’ Retirement System is committed to fulfilling its fiduciary responsibility by providing the highest quality of service to all members and plan sponsors, and protecting promised benefits through prudent investing, while ensuring reasonable expenses of administration.
Sheriff Corner
7 forms 1 contacts
The members of Sheriff’s Office, are responsible for enforcing the laws, upholding the Constitutions, and providing custody and court services, are committed to enhancing the quality of life through effective partnerships, protecting persons and property,while serving as role models to the community.
Social Services
32 forms 3 contacts
The Santa Barbara County Department of Social Services offers programs to help people maintain their health, improve their economic security, and protect their safety.
Superior Court
128 forms 5 contacts
The mission of the Santa Barbara County Superior Court is to resolve disputes arising under the law in a fair, accessible, effective and efficient manner, and to interpret and apply the law consistently, impartially, and independently to protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitutions of California
Superior Court
149 forms 2 contacts