Connecticut State Government Agencies

121 - 131 of 131 agencies

  • State of Connecticut Department of Banking

    3 forms

  • State Properties Review Board
  • State Properties Review Board (SPRB)

    35 forms 1 contacts

    The mission of the State Properties Review Board is to provide oversight of State real estate activities, acquisition of farm development rights, and the hiring of architects, engineers and other construction-related professionals, as proposed by State Executive Branch agencies. In accomplishing this legislative mandate, the Board provides guidance and assistance to State client-agencies to ensure that transactions are done in a prudent, business-like manner, that costs are reasonable, and that proposals are in compliance with State laws, regulations and procedures.

  • Teachers' Retirement Board

    46 forms 1 contacts

    The Connecticut Teachers' Retirement System is governed by Chapter 167a of the Connecticut General Statutes as amended through the current session of the State Legislature. The System is administered by the Teachers' Retirement Board, located in Hartford. The Board consists of fourteen members: four active teacher members, two retired teacher members, the Commissioner of the Department of Education, the State Treasurer, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management and five public members appointed by the Governor. All Board members serve without pay but are reimbursed for necessary expenses.

  • Temporary Family Assistance

    196 forms

  • The Agricultural Experiment Station

    22 forms 4 contacts

    The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES), established in 1875, is the first agricultural experiment station in the United States. The main mission of the CAES is research. Programs also exist to educate the public and to transfer new findings to people trying to solve agricultural, public health, and environmental problems.

  • The Office of Consumer Counsel (OCC)

    9 forms 1 contacts

    The Office of Consumer Counsel (OCC), is an independent state agency with statutory responsibility to represent customers of Connecticut’s five regulated utilities – electric, gas, water, telephone, and to some extent, cable television, primarily in matters that go before the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA). The OCC is authorized to participate on behalf of consumer interests in all administrative and judicial forums and in any matters in which the interests of consumers with respect to public utility matters may be involved.

  • The Office of Treasurer

    22 forms

  • Transportation, Department of

    24 forms

  • Veterans Affairs, Department of

    162 forms

  • Workforce Strategy, Office