California State Government Agencies

281 - 300 of 386 agencies

  • Native American Heritage Commission

    25 forms

  • Native American Heritage Commission
  • Natural Resources Agency

    1 forms 1 contacts

    To restore, protect and manage the state’s natural, historical and cultural resources for current and future generations using creative approaches and solutions based on science, collaboration and respect for all the communities and interests involved.

  • Naturopathic Medicine Committee

    55 forms 1 contacts

    Naturopathic medicine is one of the oldest continuously licensed health care professions in the country. Its roots lie in German traditions of "Water Cure" or hydrotherapy from the mid-19th century. Naturopathic medicine expanded upon the water cure and herbal therapies and was developed into a comprehensive philosophy and system of health which came to the United States around the turn of the 20th century.

  • Neighborhood Preservation and Sustainability Department

    61 forms 1 contacts

    As Lead Agency under the State of California's Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) and Alameda County's Surface Mining Ordinance (SMO), the Community Development Agency's (CDA) Neighborhood Preservation and Sustainability Department (NPS) is charged with the managing and administrating the review and permitting of new and existing surface mines on unincorporated lands.

  • New Motor Vehicle Board

    30 forms

  • Northern California

    27 forms 10 contacts

  • North Fork Rancheria
  • Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board

    31 forms 2 contacts

    The mission of the Appeals Board is to efficiently resolve appeals in a fair and timely manner and provide guidance to the public for promoting workplace safety and health. The three-member, quasi-judicial body appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate handles employer appeals about health and safety citations issued by the Division of Occupational Safety and Health.

  • Ocean Protection Council

    4 forms 1 contacts

    The OPC will ensure that California maintains healthy, resilient, and productive ocean and coastal ecosystems for the benefit of current and future generations.

  • Office of Administrative Hearings

    9 forms 4 contacts

    The Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) is a quasi-judicial tribunal that hears administrative disputes. OAH is divided into two, statewide divisions: General Jurisdiction Division and the Special Education Division.

  • Office of Administrative Law

    24 forms 1 contacts

    The Office of Administrative Law (OAL) ensures that agency regulations are clear, necessary, legally valid, and available to the public. OAL is responsible for reviewing administrative regulations proposed by over 200 state agencies for compliance with the standards set forth in California’s Administrative Procedure Act (APA), for transmitting these regulations to the Secretary of State and for publishing regulations in the California Code of Regulations.

  • Office of Data and Innovation
  • Office of Digital Innovation

    1 contacts

    The Office of Digital Innovation works collaboratively with state agencies to improve digital services for Californians. Our work uses qualitative and quantitative user research and puts Californians at the heart of service design.

  • Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety

    3 forms

  • Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

    4 forms 2 contacts

    Our overall mission is to protect and enhance public health and the environment by scientific evaluation of risks posed by hazardous substances.

  • Office of Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis

    1 forms 1 contacts

    Under California’s Constitution, the Lieutenant Governor serves as Acting Governor whenever the Governor is absent from the state, and automatically becomes Governor if a vacancy occurs in the Office of Governor. The Lieutenant Governor is also President of the Senate and votes in case of a tie.

    The Lieutenant Governor serves as a voting member of the Board of Regents of the University of California and a voting member of the Board of Trustees of the California State University system.

    The Lieutenant Governor also serves on, and rotates with the State Controller, as chair of the three-member State Lands Commission, which oversees the control and leasing of millions of acres of state-owned land, including offshore oil resources, as well as use and permitting for all navigable waterways in California. The Commission also manages state land-use planning and revenues, and related interstate issues. During alternate years, when the Lieutenant Governor serves as Chairperson of the State Lands Commission, she also serves as a member of the California Ocean Protection Council and as a non-voting member of the California Coastal Commission.

    In addition, under state statutes, the Lieutenant Governor chairs the California Commission for Economic Development, which provides support and guidance to the Governor, Legislature and private sector regarding the development of California’s economy. The Commission is composed of appointees from the Legislature and the Governor and currently does not have a quorum needed to meet.

  • Office of Planning and Research

    9 forms 1 contacts

    The Office of Planning and Research (OPR), created by statute in 1970, is part of the Office of the Governor. OPR serves the Governor and his Cabinet as staff for long-range planning and research, and constitutes the comprehensive state planning agency. (Government Code §65040). In addition, the Government and Public Resources Codes set forth multiple functions for OPR, including:

    Formulation of long-range land use goals and policies

    Conflict resolution among state agencies

    Coordination of federal grants for environmental goals

    Coordination of statewide environmental monitoring

    Coordination of research on growth and development

    Management of state planning grants, and encouragement of local and regional planning

    Creation and adoption of General Plan Guidelines

    Drafting of CEQA Guidelines (for adoption by the Secretary of Natural Resources)

    Creation of a State Environmental Goals and Policy Report, every four years

    Operation of the State Clearinghouse for distribution and review of CEQA documents

    Operation of the Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program

    Coordination of environmental justice activities

    Coordination with US military for land use and other issues in the state

  • Office of Recovery & Resiliency

    184 forms 1 contacts

  • Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development

    4 forms 2 contacts