California State Government Agencies

121 - 140 of 386 agencies

  • California Student Aid Commission

    6 forms 1 contacts

    The California Student Aid Commission works toward a California that invests in education opportunity, fosters an active, effective, citizenry, and provides a higher quality of social and economic life for its citizens. The Student Aid Commission offers a variety of services with the mission of making education beyond high school financially accessible to all Californians.

  • California Tahoe Conservancy

    37 forms 1 contacts

    California's ten State conservancies play an integral role in conservation, protecting and restoring natural resources and providing public recreational opportunities. Together, the conservancies comprise a coordinated effort, bringing government resources to designated regions of State and national significance. The California Tahoe Conservancy was created in 1984 and opened its doors in 1985 to restore and sustain a balance between the natural and the human environment and between public and private uses at Lake Tahoe. Since that time, the Conservancy has acquired nearly 4,700 parcels of land, comprising over 6,500 acres, for the purpose of protecting the natural environment and promoting public recreation and lake access. The Conservancy manages and implements direct projects on these lands.

  • California Tax Credit Allocation Committee

    11 forms 1 contacts

    The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) administers the federal and state Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Programs. Both programs were created to promote private investment in affordable rental housing for low-income Californians.

  • California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission

    80 forms 11 contacts

    The Commission created to administer the Act. Section 22010. It consists of fourteen members:thirteen members are appointed by the State Controller & one is a designated member of the CSLB. Seven members represent the public sector (counties, cities, school districts, & special districts). Six members represent the private sector (public works contractors and unions). The Commission members receive no salary, but are eligible for reimbursement of their direct expenses related to the Commission.

  • California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission

    1 forms

  • California Victim Compensation Board

    71 forms 1 contacts

    The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) provides compensation for victims of violent crime who are injured or threatened with injury. Among the crimes covered are domestic violence, child abuse, sexual and physical assault, homicide, robbery, and vehicular manslaughter. CalVCB is committed to leading the way in victim services and providing financial assistance to victims of violent crime. CalVCB directs the state’s Victim Compensation Program, the Good Samaritan Program, claims for Erroneously Convicted Persons (PC 4900) and the Missing Children Reward Program.

  • California Volunteers

    4 forms

  • California Water Commission

    9 forms 1 contacts

    The California Water Commission consists of nine members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the State Senate. Seven members are chosen for their general expertise related to the control, storage, and beneficial use of water and two are chosen for their knowledge of the environment. The Commission provides a public forum for discussing water issues, advises the Department of Water Resources (DWR), and takes appropriate statutory actions to further the development of policies that support integrated and sustainable water resource management and a healthy environment. Statutory duties include advising the Director of DWR, approving rules and regulations, and monitoring and reporting on the construction and operation of the State Water Project.

  • California Water Quality Monitoring Council

    1 forms

    In November 2007, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by the Secretaries of the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) and the California Natural Resources Agency to establish the California Water Quality Monitoring Council (Monitoring Council). The MOU was mandated by CA Senate Bill 1070 (Kehoe, 2006) and requires the boards, departments and offices within the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) and the California Natural Resources Agency to integrate and coordinate their water quality and related ecosystem monitoring, assessment, and reporting.

  • California Workforce Development Board

    23 forms

  • California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids

    33 forms

  • Cannabis Control Appeals Panel

    2 forms 1 contacts

    The Cannabis Control Appeals Panel (CCAP) is responsible for appeals of any decision by state cannabis licensing authorities relating to the order of any penalty assessment, issuing, denying, transferring, conditioning, suspending or revoking any license provided under Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA). The Panel consists of five members. Three are appointed by the Governor, one by the Senate Committee on Rules, and one by the Speaker of the Assembly. Each member of the panel must be a resident of a different California county.

  • Cemetery and Funeral Bureau

    54 forms 1 contacts

    The Cemetery and Funeral Bureau advocates consumer protection and licensee compliance through proactive education and consistent interpretation and application of the laws governing the death care industry.

  • Central California

    4 contacts

  • Central Valley Flood Protection Board

    4 forms 1 contacts

    The Central Valley Flood Protection Board (Board) is the regulatory agency charged with overseeing the flood management system in California’s Central Valley – the most flood prone area of the state. Formerly known as the State Reclamation Board, the Board has been in existence for 103 years.

  • Citizens Redistricting Commission

    15 forms 1 contacts

    The 14-member Commission is made up of five Republicans, five Democrats, and 4 not affiliated with either of those two parties but registered with another party or as decline-to-state. The Commission must draw the district lines in conformity with strict, nonpartisan rules designed to create districts of relatively equal population that will provide fair representation for all Californians. The Commission must hold public hearings and accept public comment. After hearing from the public and drawing the maps for the House of Representatives districts, 40 Senate districts, 80 Assembly districts, and four Board of Equalization districts, the Commission must vote on the new maps to be used for the next decade. To approve the new maps, the maps must receive nine “yes” votes from the Commission—three “yes” votes from members registered with the two largest parties, and three “yes” votes from the other members.

  • Citizens Redistricting Commission

    4 forms

  • Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy

    3 forms 1 contacts

    The Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy mission is to protect the natural and cultural resources of the Coachella Valley: the scenic, wildlife, cultural, geologic, and recreational resources that make this such a splendid place for people and all the other life forms with which we share this special place.

  • Colorado River Board of California

    4 forms 1 contacts

    The Colorado River Board represents the State of California and its Members in discussions and negotiations with the Colorado River Basin States, federal, state and local governmental agencies and Mexico regarding the management of the Colorado River.

  • Commision on Teacher Credentialing

    122 forms 1 contacts