Connecticut State Government Agencies

21 - 40 of 131 agencies

  • Connecticut Sentencing Commission

    17 forms 1 contacts

    The Connecticut Sentencing Commission is an independent state criminal justice agency established to review, research, and make recommendations concerning Connecticut’s criminal justice system.

  • Connecticut Siting Council

    4 forms 1 contacts

    The Council is responsible for balancing the need for adequate and reliable public utility services at the lowest reasonable cost to consumers with the need to protect the environment and ecology of the state. The Council generally has jurisdiction over the siting of electric transmission lines and electric substations with a design capacity of 69-kilovolts or more, electric generating and storage facilities, telecommunications facilities and hazardous waste facilities.

  • Connecticut State Marshal Commission
  • Connecticut Technical Education and Career System
  • Council on Developmental Disabilities

    5 forms 1 contacts

    The federal Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 authorized State Councils on Developmental Disabilities to engage in advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities that contribute to a comprehensive, coordinated, and self-determined system of individualized services and supports that is centered on and directed by individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

  • Council on Environmental Quality

    5 forms 1 contacts

    The Council is a nine-member board that works independently of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (except for purely administrative functions). The Chairman and four other members are appointed by the Governor, two members by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and two by the Speaker of the House. Members donate their time and expertise. They work closely with staff to shape the Council's priorities and recommendations.

  • Criminal Justice Commission
  • Criminal Justice Commission
  • Criminal Justice, Division of
  • Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS)

    13 forms 1 contacts

    The history of the Connecticut Criminal Justice Information System dates back several decades. The need to share and exchange offender and case data among agencies was identified, it was decided that agencies should continue to develop their individual data systems rather than immediately begin a statewide CJIS initiative. This decision was based on the recognition that technology could not support the vision of an integrated justice information system in a cost-effective manner. The effect yielded the creation of many stand-alone and agency-focused applications that are still in operation today.

  • Department of Administrative Services

    25 forms 1 contacts

    Divisions are united in a common mission: Support Connecticut's Growth - To serve the citizens, businesses, state agencies and other branches of government by providing the highest quality services at the lowest possible cost ;Drive Continuous Innovation - To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of state government using best practices from the public and private sectors; Provide Rewarding Careers - To attract and retain a workforce of talented, dedicated public servants committed to leading thr great state forward.

  • Department of Aging and Disability Services

    35 forms 1 contacts

    Department of Aging and Disability Services and The State Unit on Aging ensure that Connecticut’s elders have access to the supportive services necessary to live with dignity, security, and independence. The unit is responsible for planning, developing, and administering a comprehensive and integrated service delivery system for older persons in Connecticut.

    To accomplish this, the unit conducts needs assessments, surveys methods of service administration, evaluates and monitors such services, maintains information and referral services, and develops, coordinates, and/or collaborates with other appropriate agencies to provide services.

  • Department of Agriculture

    19 forms 2 contacts

    The mission of the Department of Agriculture is to foster a healthy economic, environmental and social climate for agriculture by developing, promoting and regulating agricultural businesses; protecting agricultural and aquacultural resources; enforcing laws pertaining to domestic animals; and promoting an understanding among the state's citizens of the diversity of Connecticut agriculture, its cultural heritage and its contribution to the state's economy.

  • Department of Agriculture

    34 forms

  • Department of Banking

    120 forms 2 contacts

    The mission of the State of Connecticut, Department of Banking (DOB) is to protect users of financial services from unlawful or improper practices by ensuring that regulated entities and individuals adhere to state banking and securities laws.

  • Department of Children and Families

    140 forms 20 contacts

    The name, Department of Children and Families, established by legislation on July 1, 1993, reflects the Department’s still-evolving mission of providing child-centered, family focused, community-based programs and services throughout Connecticut.

  • Department of Consumer Protection

    172 forms 1 contacts

    Mission is to ensure a fair and equitable marketplace, safe products and services for consumers in the industries that we license, regulate and enforce.

  • Department of Correction

    108 forms 1 contacts

    Since 1968 the Connecticut Department of Correction has proudly served and protected the citizens of the State of Connecticut, by daily ensuring the safety, security and order of our 14-correctional facilities in a manner which is widely viewed as a national model. The Department endeavors to provide the programming, education and treatment which willing inmates may utilize to improve themselves and the success of their eventual reintegration into society. Our staff of dedicated correctional professionals takes great PRIDE (Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Dignity, Excellence) in the daily performance of their duty to our state.

  • Department of Developmental Services

    1 forms 1 contacts

    The mission of the Department of Developmental Services is to partner with the individuals they support and their families, to support lifelong planning and to join with others to create and promote meaningful opportunities for individuals to fully participate as valued members of their communities.

  • Department of Economic and Community Development

    29 forms 1 contacts

    The Department of Economic and Community Development is the state's lead agency responsible for strengthening Connecticut’s competitive position in the rapidly changing, knowledge-based global economy.